The Huling Family. – We take pleasure in announcing the fact that Ray Greene Huling, of Fitchburg, Mass., is preparing a Genealogy of the Hnling’ Family, and will include iu his work the female lines so often sadly neglected by genealogical writers. Mr. Huling has spared no time or expense to make his work a standard, and we earnestly request every Hiding: and every friend of the family to give Mr. H. all aid they can, and to subscribe for a copy of his work. No money can be laid out to better advantage, or will give more general satisfaction to all who take an interest in his particular line of genealogical research.
Dr. John B. Tillinghast, Phenix, R. I. is collecting matter for a history of the Tillinghast Family. He invites the members of the family, and all friends interested in its history to communicate with him, and to give him all information in their power. To comply with this truly honorable and meritorious request should be the duty of every member and friend of the family.
Wm. H. Waterman, Esq., New Bedford, Mass., is collecting matter for a history of the Waterman Family. Another son of Rhode Island is thus engaged in a work so truly honorable and worthy of encouragement. We earnestly entreat every member of Mr. W.’s family and friends to give him all information in their power at once, and to sustain him in his noble work. It is always a source of regret with members of families after a genealogy is printed that it treats them so short or indefinite, which, had they in many cases given the family historian the information they ouglit to have done would have proven a source of perpetual joy. This fact is worth remembering.
Rev. Thomas Barber, of Westerly, R. L, has about ready for publication a genealogy of tlic Babock family. The reverend gentleman has devoted great care and attention upon the work, and we have no doubt from perusal of the MSS. that his work has been done in an able manner, and the family ought to be proud of its historian. As the family have a great many wealthy members we see nothing in the way of the publication and general distribution of the work, and we earnestly urge the great importance of sustaining the hands of their great historian. May abundant success be his.
Dr. Homer E. Aylesworth, of Roseville, Warren Co., Ill., will soon publish a genealogy of the Aylesworth family. The genial Doctor writes us he thinks again of coming east to get final notes for his work. We hope he will do so, and we have no doubt his eastern cousins and friends will heartily enioy his presence, for the Doctor is one of those men whom to know is to love. We would urge upon the attention of the family the necessity of subscribing early to his work, and of furnishing him at once with such new matter as may have come to their knowledge since the Doctor was here in Rhode Island.
Dr. Charles E. Slocum, of Syracuse, N. Y., has about ready for publication his genealogy of the Slocum family. This work will be intensely interesting to this family and their connections, and we truly wish our Rhode Island members will each consider it a point of honor of subscribing for a copy. Its price will be five dollars, and a Slocum cannot spend five dollars in a manner where they will eventually reap more genuine satisfaction than in the way we note above.
We understand that the Sherman genealogy is well advanced towards publication. We trust the gentleman having the matter in charge will be successful in gathering the material, and will eventually publish the great work of this numerous and wide spread family.
The Gardiner, Champlain and Robinson families have much matter collected for publication, and perhaps a future day may see it publislied.
Personal. – We must here return thanks to those kind friends who have recently contributed to our work a numljcr of valuable papers of deep historic interest. We shall publisli them when space permits. We are liappy to announce that we shall be able to have several illustrations in our first volume.
SOURCE: Page(s): 79-80; The Narragansett, Volume 1. July, 1882 Number 1